User participation

The web has evolved over the years, web 1.0 (1990-2000) was a static web, users enjoyed the information found online and were passive. in phase 2.0 which is what we are experiencing now, the digital world is open to creation, communication, collaboration and sharing of contents.

One wonders how the web will become in a few years!

For many we are already in an intermediate phase between 2.0 and 3.0: web 3.0 would be a type of “semantic” web, managed by an artificial intelligence capable of organizing knowledge by concepts and no longer by words. web 4.0 instead would be a three-dimensional virtual space in which we can create our own personal avatar.

We often ask ourselves, with these increasingly advanced technologies, where will we arrive?

I would like to know from you a technological invention that you would like them to create in the future … Be imaginative!

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web 1.0 (1990-2000)static web
web 2.0 (current)creation, communication, collaboration and sharing of contents
web 3.0 (semantic)managed by an artificial intelligence
web4.0 a three-dimensional virtual space in which we can create our own personal avatar

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